Events Calendar
How to Search:
• To find events organised by a particular Branch, for example Lisburn Branch, search for ‘Lisburn Branch’.
• To search for a particular type of Event, search for ‘talk’, ‘outing’, ‘DNA school’, ‘AGM’, ‘quiz’, etc.
• To search for a particular Event or Speaker, search the name, or part of the name.
To see all the available Events within a particular month, switch to the ‘Month‘ view.

- This event has passed.
AGM & Talk – A Short History of Killyleagh and the Mills | Jack McKee | Killyleagh Branch | “On Site” event
Monday, 2 May 2022 @ 6:45 pm - 9:00 pm BST
In the Heron’s Nest, Delamont Country Park
(This is not a virtual event on Zoom)
Annual General Meeting, followed by
A Talk by Jack McKee – “A Short History of Killyleagh and the Mills”
Delamont Country Park Leaflet – for location information