Tracing your Irish Family Online | Chris Paton
Tracing your Irish Family Online | Chris Paton
Discover the extraordinary variety of sources that can be accessed online. Zoom talk by Chris Paton for the Belfast Branch.
How to Search:
• To find events organised by a particular Branch, for example Lisburn Branch, search for ‘Lisburn Branch’.
• To search for a particular type of Event, search for ‘talk’, ‘outing’, ‘DNA school’, ‘AGM’, ‘quiz’, etc.
• To search for a particular Event or Speaker, search the name, or part of the name.
To see all the available Events within a particular month, switch to the ‘Month‘ view.
Discover the extraordinary variety of sources that can be accessed online. Zoom talk by Chris Paton for the Belfast Branch.
Northern Irish Land Registry, established in 1892, what these are and how to find them. Zoom talk by Des McCabe, PRONI, for the NIFHS Belfast Branch.