Occupational Hazards | Dr Janet Few
Causeway Branch ZoomZoom talk by Dr Janet Few for the NIFHS Causeway Branch.
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• To find events organised by a particular Branch, for example Lisburn Branch, search for ‘Lisburn Branch’.
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Zoom talk by Dr Janet Few for the NIFHS Causeway Branch.
A Zoom talk by Andrew Kerr for NIFHS Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. The Zoom link will be sent to local branch members a week beforehand. Members of other branches wishing to attend should e-mail the branch secretary at causeway@nifhs.org and they will be sent the link.
Zoom Talk by Maureen McKinney for NIFHS Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. The Zoom link will be sent to local branch members a week beforehand. Members of other branches wishing to attend should e-mail the branch secretary at causeway@nifhs.org and they will be sent the link.
Martin McDowell
Zoom Talk by Dr David Hume for NIFHS Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. The Zoom link will be sent to local branch members a week beforehand. Members of other branches wishing to attend should e-mail the branch secretary at causeway@nifhs.org and they will be sent the link.
Zoom Talk by Brian O'Hara for NIFHS Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. The Zoom link will be sent to local branch members a week beforehand. Members of other branches wishing to attend should e-mail the branch secretary at causeway@nifhs.org and they will be sent the link.