Events Calendar

How to Search:

•  To find events organised by a particular Branch, for example Lisburn Branch, search for ‘Lisburn Branch’.

•  To search for a particular type of Event, search for ‘talk’, ‘outing’, ‘DNA school’, ‘AGM’, ‘quiz’, etc.

•  To search for a particular Event or Speaker, search the name, or part of the name.

To see all the available Events within a particular month, switch to the ‘Month‘ view.

Featured Featured

DNA Summer School : The Leeds Method

Education Zoom

Just starting out on your DNA journey? Faced with a list of cousin matches with surnames that you don’t recognise? This session will introduce you to a simple methodology which […]

Featured Featured

DNA Summer School : Using X-Matches in your DNA Research

Education Zoom

We all have DNA matches on our X chromosome. We can access these from our standard (autosomal) DNA tests. Find out how! We can learn different things from brothers’ and […]
