Events Calendar

How to Search:

•  To find events organised by a particular Branch, for example Lisburn Branch, search for ‘Lisburn Branch’.

•  To search for a particular type of Event, search for ‘talk’, ‘outing’, ‘DNA school’, ‘AGM’, ‘quiz’, etc.

•  To search for a particular Event or Speaker, search the name, or part of the name.

To see all the available Events within a particular month, switch to the ‘Month‘ view.

Featured Featured

Autosomal DNA Action Plan | DNA Summer School – Day 1 Afternoon | On Zoom

Education Zoom

with Martin McDowell

An action plan can help you to manage your autosomal DNA results more efficiently. Learn about matches in common, the chromosome browser and other tools. Discover the best way to utilise those tools to identify your matches and make headway. Book your place.

Featured Featured

Using Geographical Information | DNA Summer School – Day 1 Evening | On Zoom

Education Zoom

with Anne Johnston
Geographical data about your matches is often overlooked but it can be extremely useful when trying to connect your matches to your tree. This class will show you where to look for such information and how it can help you to uncover those connections. Book your place.
