Calendar -


The North of Ireland Family History Society organises more than 100 events a year.  Click on any entry to reveal more details of the event.  You can also navigate within the calendar to view other Months and formats (e.g. to view events by ‘Week’, ‘Month’ or ‘Agenda’ list).

Branch meetings are open to non-members as well as members.  If the subject interests you, feel free to attend and introduce yourself to the person chairing the meeting.  A few Branches charge visitors a small amount.  There is no obligation to join the Society but, if you wish to do so, the Branch Treasurer will be happy to give you a Membership application form and outline the benefits.  Note that the information here gives the Branches’ normal meeting venue, date, time etc.  Details of any specific events should be confirmed with the Branches directly – the e-mail address of each Branch Secretary is given in that Branch’s page.

Courses are also open to everyone although advance booking is necessary as the numbers of places are limited.  Details are on our Courses page.  Further information is available from the Society’s Education and Development Officer at