News -


Lighthouses All Around Ireland – Foyle Branch virtual meeting

The talk at the next Foyle Branch meeting will be given by Dr Gordon Millington, retired civil engineer and keen sailor.

In the days when all travel and cargo beyond these shores involved ships and boats, safe navigation became a priority. Lighthouses were built and operated in mostly remote, rugged locations which was quite a feat.

Dr Millington will talk about the history, construction & operation of lighthouses around this island.

7pm (BST), Monday 5th July. Please email: to apply. Open to all. If you are a member of NIFHS, please state your membership number and branch. For everyone joining us, we’d love to know where you are zooming in from.

Time zone converter:

Foyle Branch webpage:

Check our calendar regularly to find out about upcoming events.
More DNA School info will be out soon!

Amazon Smile Donations

Amazon permanently shut down the AmazonSmile customer donation program on 20 February 2023.

Almost £1,460 was received from the Amazon Smile Donations scheme since our 2018 participation in the scheme.  A big Thank You goes to all buyers who supported us through their online Amazon shopping.

EasyFundRaising is now the way to support NIFHS.


The Islandmagee DNA Project

Do you have any ancestors from Islandmagee or do you know anyone who does? If so then we would love you to get involved in our latest research project

The aim of the Islandmagee DNA Project is to explore the connections between people who are the descendants of those who lived in the historic North of Ireland parish of Islandmagee in County Antrim, which has strong Scottish and some English connections and a number of families that have lived in the district for generations. By testing people with known connections to the original families we will be able to confirm connections going back many generations, in many instances going beyond paper records.

We are working with the local community and have gathered together a team with a lot of experience in carrying out family history research and interpreting DNA test results which will analyze the results and handle queries from matches. The project will allow individuals around the world to identify that they have ancestors from Islandmagee with benefits for tourism, increasing community cohesiveness, and benefiting generations to come as information is identified and made available for further research.

View the Islandmagee DNA Group Project on WikiTree.

View the Islandmagee DNA Project on FamilyTree DNA..

You can contact us at

Support the Islandmagee DNA Project

Go to the General Fund Group Contribution page on the FamilyTreeDNA website for details. Select the project:

New Resources: Tynan Indentures

Mr Kevin Doyle has kindly sent the Society a collection of 36 late 18th and early 19th century leases of farmland relating to part of Tynan parish in County Armagh.  For the most part the townlands of Drumgose, Skerries and Feigh/Fife are represented.  All were held by the Johnston family of Woodpark, Caledon manor.  He points out that these “fusty old documents” are almost a census substitute for that little “hook” of Armagh that borders Tyrone and Monaghan for the years covered; even adjoining tenants are shown where maps are attached.

Together with the lessors, Johnston or Johnstone, the attorney and his sons, Mitchell, and the surveyors, Fleming, the lessees are Callaghan, Carrole, Connolly, Donaldson, Duffy, Flanagan or Flanigan, Frackleton, Graham, Hughes, Kelly, McCann, McCarney, McCarron or McCoran, McElgrew, McEnally, McNaghten, Moan, Molloy and Traynor.

The indentures have been scanned by the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis at the Queen’s University of Belfast as part of our NIFHS@40 Anniversary Projects.

New NIFHS Search Page

A recently added aid for finding content on the NIFHS website. Please excuse the adverts – that’s the price to be paid for using this free facility.

North Irish Roots – Volume 30.2 Autumn 2019

The Society’s Journal, North Irish Roots, Volume 30.2 (Autumn 2019) is out now!

Now in our 40th year of promoting and encouraging the private and public study
of family history, genealogy, heraldry and local history.

North Irish Roots V30.2 cover


  • Editorial
  •  President’s Report
  • Courses and Events
  • Branch Programmes
  • Additions to the Library
  • Be a Recruiting Sergeant
  • Competition Result – Scandal, Surprise, Shock
  • Family Tree Live at Alexandra Palace
  • John O’Neil and the Molly Maguires – Betty O’Neil
  • Shocking Accident – Joan Hughes
  • NIFHS@40
  • Scandal, Surprise, Shock – Frances Maxine (McIntyre) Benson
  • Need Some Ideas?
  • Sally Arsenic – Carmel Wilson
  • B.B.C.
  • The Northern Irish in North America: Three Family Chronicles – Zita Ballinger Fletcher
  • Lisburn – Parish of Blaris
  • DNA – breaking down brick walls (and building new ones). The Bracegirdle Family – Julie Tadman
  • Dobbs Report
  • How We Lived Then – Michael McKeag
  • Add some colour to your life
  • A Family Odyssey – Linda Hooke
  • The Fighting Irish
  • The Thomas Hughes Family Odyssey – Jacqueline Hughes
  • William Marks and Margaret Campbell – (Northern) Ireland to Scotland – Mary Clarke
  • Profile Forms & Contacting Members
  • Members’ Interests – Names Being Researched
  • Register of Reciprocal Research
  • Members’ Interests – Queries

More about North Irish Roots

North Irish Roots on JSTOR

Associate Membership Renewal for 2020 – £18

Using the online PayPal system for renewals helps to speed up processing them.
Your continued support of the work of the Society will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.