Census Strays

The term ‘Census Strays’ refers to people who are born in one place whose name crops up in a census in another place. In this case the listing is of people who are recorded in English censuses as being born in Ireland. The information has been collected from a number of sources and comprises the person’s surname, first name, relationship within house, marital status, age, occupation, place of birth, census year and address at time of census. In a number of records additional information is provided, the source of the record and who recorded it, and occasionally there is some useful extra information provided in a note.

This section of our website contains details of over 15,000 records of persons living in households with one or more people of Irish origin. People sent these strays to us from the UK and the rest of the world. The records have been reproduced exactly as received from the many contributors so the spelling of names and places is as submitted. Please note that it has not been possible to check the reliability of this information.

Some abbreviations used by contributors are as follows: NNT Nottinghamshire, NBL Northumberland, DBY Derbyshire, NDFHS Northumberland and Durham FHS, and YKS Yorkshire.

Many thanks are due to the North of Ireland Family History Society members who recorded the Strays manually and then input the data to computer and website. Their hard work and dedication are much appreciated.

The Strays information is presented in a table in the following order:

| Surname | Forename | Relation to Head | Marital Status | Age | Occupation | Birthplace | Census | Address | Reference | Source | Other Information |

View the first page of the Census Strays.

Direct links to the Strays pages: | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z |