Index to Member's Queries

Surname Interests

Profile Form for Member’s Query

Member’s Queries

The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) now includes with its e-Newsletter a list of Queries submitted by Members.  Previously the list was published in the North Irish Roots journal which was sent out every six months.  The change makes recently submitted Queries visible to readers much sooner than before.

Any Member wishing to have his or her Query included on this page and in the next edition of the e-Newsletter is invited to submit a Member’s Profile Form.

Member's queries

Index of Surnames

How to request contact with Member

In compliance with GDPR law, the Society does not publish or disclose member’s details.

To respond to a Member who has submitted a Query shown in the Queries List below:
Send an email to  using the following format:

Members Query Request thumbnail

  • the membership number shown against the Query    • your membership number (if any)   • the surname of interest

We will check that the member who submitted the Query is still with the Society and if so will forward to them your request.
Any response by the member is made directly to you, the seeker, not to the Society.