Index of Reciprocal Research -

Index of Reciprocal Research

Surname Interests

Profile Form

Members who are prepared to do research in their own area in exchange for research done in a different area can make an offer of Reciprocal Research.  The details needed are the specific locality (town, townland, parish, county, country, etc.) in which you are prepared to do research and the specific locality in which you wish research to be done on your behalf.

Any Member wishing to have his or her offer of Reciprocal Research included in the list distributed with the next edition of the newsletter is invited to submit a Member’s Profile Form.

Member's queries

Member’s Queries

How to request contact with Member

In compliance with GDPR law, the Society does not publish or disclose member’s details.

To respond to a Member who has published an offer of Reciprocal Research in the Offers List below:
Send an email to  giving:
• your membership number (if any)     • the membership number shown against the Query     • a summary of the research required
We will check that the member who made the offer is still with the Society and if so will forward your request for contact to them.