North Irish Roots

North Irish Roots 1.1
It was first published in Spring 1984 under the editorship of the Rev. Herbert Kelso. This was carried out with a generous grant from the Esmé Mitchell Trust. It arose because of the degree of interest in the Society from people overseas who wanted to participate; so the category of Associate Membership was introduced and the journal began publication. Originally intended to be quarterly, the journal was initially published intermittently before settling down to a Spring issue and an Autumn issue each year and the number of pages per issue has gradually inceased from 28, reaching a peak of to 64 in 2021, and currently at 48.
There is a complete set of the journal at shelfmark IR 069 in the Irish Journal Room of the Research Centre. The Index to Selected Journal Articles gives the flavour of the range of articles in recent issues. Here is an example of the sort of article published in North Irish Roots:
Brian Mitchell: Londonderry to Canada: The ‘Cheapest and Shortest Sea Passage’ to North America
Membership of the Society entitles each Member, or pair of Joint Members, to a copy of each issue published in the membership year after the date of joining. Nearly all of the articles in the back numbers of the journal, except for the most recent four years, are freely available to Members online at the JSTOR Ireland Collection website as are all the other journals in that Collection. Copies of single issues published more than one year ago are available, if stock is not exhausted, through our online Shop.
In 2022, a team of volunteers produced
the “Guide to the Contents of North Irish Roots Journals 1984-2021“.
This pdf booklet for members brings together the Article titles and the Surnames and Locations appearing in those journals. It is available via the Members Only Content page.
Submission Guidelines
The Objects of the Society are to promote and encourage the public and personal study of world-wide family history, genealogy, heraldry and local history with particular reference to the North of Ireland.
The Editorial Committee of the journal welcomes previously unpublished articles addressing these Objects. Submissions may be about a family line, a useful resource, helpful websites, photographs, personal recollections or family lore. Often members are most interested in references to names to which they may connect. Please ensure that you own the copyright to all of your submission, including illustrations – or have obtained permission from the copyright owner to publish the material. Where appropriate, the source of information should be cited. Ideally please contact the Editor, before preparing an article. Submissions should be sent by e-mail to in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx or .rtf) and not in .pdf. Articles should not normally exceed 1,300 words, with each photograph or other illustration counting as 100 words; this should occupy up to 4 pages when printed.
To advertise in North Irish Roots please contact the Editor by e-mail at
The journal normally consists of 48 A5 pages in full colour with card covers. Copy is prepared on A4 pages, which are reduced to A5 for printing. The current print run for each issue is 1,400. Half of our Members belong to one of the Branches in Ulster while the other half are scattered around the world. Advertisers receive a copy.
The current advertising rates are as follows:
- £50 full page
- £30 half page (horizontal)
We can accept payment by any of the following methods:
- PayPal (and thus a credit or debit card)
- Sterling cheque
- Bank transfer – details on request