Transcribing & Indexing Projects -

Transcribing Projects

The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) has many Members, both Branch and Associate, involved in Transcribing & Indexing Projects and welcomes further volunteers.  Some compilations of records, as books or CDs, are available in our online Shop.

Transcribers Group

Transcribing has been part of the ethos of the society since its inception, and an immense number of records have been transcribed, particularly Church Records and Graveyard Records. A number of Other Records have also been indexed. Members from Branches and Associate members worldwide contribute to ongoing projects, either locally or remotely via email. When a project is being transcribed from photographs of registers or record books, the images and a spreadsheet are emailed to the volunteer. The completed spreadsheet is then returned to the project coordinator. Some projects are carried out using original books/documents and the information transcribed into a spreadsheet. New volunteers are gladly welcomed to keep this work going. Contact the Projects Co-ordinator at

NIFHS Transcriptions

NIFHS Transcriptions


Many Branches have transcribed local records and published them in the form of books or CDs, which are available in our online Shop.  These are principally graveyard inscriptions and newspaper announcements.  The Causeway Branch has published online an impressive number of transcriptions of Church Records and Graveyard Records.

Crowd Sourcing

In 2014 the extensive baptism, marriage and burial registers of Holy Family Church in Belfast were transcribed with the aid of Associate Members around the world as well as Branch Members.  The internet has made such worldwide cooperation feasible and it is hoped that more use can be made of crowd sourcing.

Do You Wish to Help?

If you would like to help with a transcription project, please contact the Projects Co-ordinator by email to, who will advise on recording formats and quality control standards and any requirement for a Transcription Consent Form.

NIFHS Publications

NIFHS Publications