Class | NIFHS Look Up Live

An online Zoom class with NIFHS Volunteers Our ever-popular Look-up evening returns to give you an opportunity to reap the benefits of our society look-up service. This is not a formal talk but an opportunity for you to find out more about some of the items that the Society holds in its Research Library. Come along and ask us a question – you may even get a look-up done during the session! If you are interested in attending then send an email to for the zoom...

Unravelling Trees of Matches using AutoKinship from Genetic Affairs | DNA Summer School – Day 5 Evening | On Zoom

An online Zoom class with Guest Speaker  EJ Blom We’ll discuss the AutoKinship tree-building tool in this presentation. Using only shared DNA information between shared matches, AutoKinship is able to come up with several trees that provide clues on how everybody is related to each other. This approach works for matches from 23andme, MyHeritage, and GEDmatch. We’ll discuss how to obtain the necessary information to obtain these reconstructed trees for MyHeritage matches. In addition, we’ll touch upon automated methods for 23andme (available on Genetic Affairs) and GEDmatch (available on GEDmatch for Tier 1...

Using MT-DNA | DNA Summer School – Day 4 Evening | On Zoom

An online Zoom class with Guest Speaker Mags Gaulden MT DNA can be a very useful tool in breaking through a very stubborn brickwall. This talk uses real examples to demonstrate how MT DNA can be used to confirm lines and add ancestors to your...

Using Y-DNA to connect with Ancestors in the 1500s, 1400s, and 1200s | DNA Summer School – Day 3 Evening | On Zoom

An online Zoom class with Guest Speaker Maurice Gleeson Y-DNA can be a particularly powerful tool when used in conjunction with extensive, documented lineages. Maurice’s early experience with Y-DNA helped him break through a Brick Wall on his Spierin ancestral line and travel back in time from 1800 to the late 1500s. Research at the University of Strathclyde revealed the Y-DNA signature of two brothers in the 1200s – one was the progenitor of the High Stewart line and the other was the progenitor of the Stewart’s of Bonkyl. Using the same approach, he is attempting to identify the Y-DNA signature of Grace O’Malley, Ireland’s Pirate Queen (1530-1603). This talk will review the processes and methodologies associated with this kind of research, the challenges faced, and the successful outcomes that can be achieved....

Inferred Matches/Mapping | DNA Summer School – Day 2 Evening | On Zoom

An online Zoom class with Martin McDowell Our second day of focusing on autosomal DNA comes to end with a more advanced session explaining how to infer that DNA matches are from a specific ancestor. Learning this technique can help you categorise your matches by analysing them and comparing them with those of other close...