DNA Archives - NIFHS.org

Online Class | Raising the Dead

An online Zoom class with Martin McDowell As Halloween approaches, this talk will focus on how to reconstruct the DNA of deceased ancestors such as parents and grandparents. This is done by comparing your own autosomal DNA results with those of your confirmed matches. We will show how this can help you with your family tree and your DNA research. Once some family members have tested you will be able to try this too, it may be simpler than you think! To book, got to the class...

DNA Summer School : Using DNA Painter

Chromosome painting is a relatively new, yet powerful, tool available through DNA Painter which can be used to identify which segments of DNA you get from which ancestor. In this class you will also learn how to amalgamate your matches list from FTDNA and My Heritage and organise them by segment. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : Ethnicity Estimates

This session will explain how ethnicity percentages are calculated and how they can be useful in analysing your DNA cousin matches. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : Using the Chromosome Browser Effectively

To avoid any doubt, proving DNA matches conclusively requires the use of a chromosome browser. This talk will explain the basic concept of what this tool can do and how to use it simply and effectively. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : Achieving Success with DNA

How can DNA testing help with your family history research? This session will look at how you can maximise success when analysing your DNA results and help you to fulfil your genealogical goals. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : The DNA Family Matching Tool

Using the maternal and paternal tabs on Family Tree DNA is an excellent way to make progress with your DNA matches. This session will cover how the integration of your family tree and your matches page can unveil new information that can lead you to confirm your relationship to a new match. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : Using X-Matches in your DNA Research

We all have DNA matches on our X chromosome. We can access these from our standard (autosomal) DNA tests. Find out how! We can learn different things from brothers’ and sisters’ and cousins’ X-matches. X matches can skip generations. X matches can narrow the focus to specific families. We’ll be discussing what X matches are and how to use them. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : The Leeds Method

Just starting out on your DNA journey? Faced with a list of cousin matches with surnames that you don’t recognise? This session will introduce you to a simple methodology which helps you to organise your DNA match list and tries to make sense of your matches. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...

DNA Summer School : The Advantages of MT-DNA

The Advantages of MT-DNA Mitochondrial DNA is the least used DNA test within Northern Ireland however it can give you useful information about your family lines going back many hundreds – and even thousands – of years. This course will explain how it works and how it can be used to further your family research. For more details and Booking – go to the DNA Summer School...
The Islandmagee DNA Project

The Islandmagee DNA Project

Do you have any ancestors from Islandmagee or do you know anyone who does? If so then we would love you to get involved in our latest research project The aim of the Islandmagee DNA Project is to explore the connections between people who are the descendants of those who lived in the historic North of Ireland parish of Islandmagee in County Antrim, which has strong Scottish and some English connections and a number of families that have lived in the district for generations. By testing people with known connections to the original families we will be able to confirm connections going back many generations, in many instances going beyond paper records. We are working with the local community and have gathered together a team with a lot of experience in carrying out family history research and interpreting DNA test results which will analyze the results and handle queries from matches. The project will allow individuals around the world to identify that they have ancestors from Islandmagee with benefits for tourism, increasing community cohesiveness, and benefiting generations to come as information is identified and made available for further research. View the Islandmagee DNA Group Project on WikiTree. View the Islandmagee DNA Project on FamilyTree DNA.. You can contact us at IslandmageeDNA@nifhs.org Support the Islandmagee DNA Project Go to the General Fund Group Contribution page on the FamilyTreeDNA website for details. Select the project:...