GEDmatch Tools and Research – Rita McCaughey | Newtownabbey Branch | on Zoom

GEDmatch Tools and Research – Rita McCaughey | Newtownabbey Branch | on Zoom

This event will be on zoom only. Those wishing to attend should book through the following link by 12 midday BST on Monday 10 October. GEDmatch enables comparison of DNA kits from different testing companies. Genealogist Rita McCaughey will present an interactive session showing how to use GEDmatch tools to help with genealogy research,starting from what to do once you have uploaded your autosomal DNA data. Taking you on a journey of discovery, from the simple to the more complex, she will show how it is possible to open up new possibilities for exploring your family tree, including how to focus on geographical areas. The techniques covered aim to help you break down some brick walls in your research. Rita has been researching family history for 30 years and joins us from Australia where she works in the IT sector. She has a Diploma of Family History from the University of Tasmania, a Certificate in Genealogical Research from the Society of Australian Genealogists, and is currently studying online with the University of Strathclyde. She can regularly be found helping people with Tyrone roots in the Around the Heather’s Edge...

History of Surnames in Ireland – Natalie Bodle | Ballymena Branch | Hybrid Meeting

Talk for NIFHS Ballymena Branch, History of Surnames in Ireland by Natalie Bodle, Thursday, September 2022 Thursday@ 7:15 pm. Interactive talk on the system of hereditary Irish surnames, their origins and locations. Hybrid event: on site & on zoom. Those wishing to attend on zoom should e-mail the branch secretary at and they will be sent the...

Derry’s Wonderful Opera House – Ken McCormack | Foyle Branch | Hybrid Meeting

**Moved to Monday 26th September due to the Queen’s funeral** Talk for NIFHS Foyle Branch, Derry’s Wonderful Opera House, by Ken McCormack, Monday 26th September 2022, @7pm. Hybrid event: on site & on zoom. Those wishing to attend on zoom should e-mail the branch secretary at and they will be sent the...

Branch Open Evening @ Ranfurly House | South Tyrone Branch | On Site

The South Tyrone Branch of the North of Ireland Family History Society is hosting an Open Evening on Tuesday 20 September  at 7.30pm in Ranfurly House, Dungannon and would like to help you on your journey to find your ancestors.     There will be a presentation on how to get started on this family research journey with lots of help from members of the South Tyrone Branch.   The presentation will be given by Martin McDowell from the North of Ireland Family History Society on the best ways to begin your research and the basics of DNA .  DNA kits will be available to purchase on the night.     Look forward to seeing you there.      Everyone...