Branch Meeting | Royal Encounters | Newtownabbey Branch | “On Zoom” event

Zoom Event: “Royal Encounters” – Members’ musings of encounters with the Royal Family and memorabilia. Everyone is welcome to join Branch Zoom meetings. If you would like to participate in a Zoom meeting please contact our Branch Secretary via email to, and you will be sent a link which will enable you to join the Zoom...

AGM & Collecting Militaria | Bill Calladine | Ballymena Branch

Collecting Militaria: in person talk by Bill Calladinefor the Ballymena Branch. Bill Calladine, military enthousiast and member of the Ballymena Branch, will talk about collecting militaria – what it is, what to look out for, what’s  in your attic. He will also bring a sample of his collection to view. Open to all NIFHS members and associate members. For those who are not Ballymena Branch members, please email the Secretary at by providing your membership number. Pease note this will the first in-person talk. Zoom will also be...

Sourcing Family Connections before 1800 | Roddy Hegarty | South Tyrone Branch | “On Zoom” event

Virtual Meeting on Zoom. We will be joined by Roddy Hegarty – he will be speaking on “Beyond the brick wall: sourcing family connections before 1800.” Roddy Hegarty B.A. is Director of the Cardinal O’Fiaich Library and Archive, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Ulster local studies and joint Editor of Due North. He is a contributor to Seanchas Ard Mhacha . He is also an authority on Tyrone Genealogy. Send an email to for Zoom details to join....

AGM & Talk “Ireland’s Biggest War? – The American Civil War” | Dr John Lynch | “On Zoom” event

6:30pm Annual General Meeting via Zoom 7:00 pm The Talk: Historian and author, Dr John Lynch, will be giving a talk entitled ‘Ireland’s Biggest War?’ – the American Civil War 1861 – 1865. Large numbers of men from Ireland were involved on both sides in the American Civil War, some very prominently in some of the key battles and key regiments. This is a piece of history that was either little-known here or has been largely forgotten. The only piece of this history that has survived locally is that it has always been said that our shirt factories produced uniforms for both sides! This evening John will lift the cloud for us on our ancestors’ involvement in the American Civil War. Dr John Lynch is a retired Queen’s University history lecturer. He started his working life as a Civil Servant in England, then left to become a Ruskin graduate and eventually  went on to study Irish history at Queen’s where he was asked to stay on as a lecturer. He has written several books, one on the history of Bristol and one on the ships produced in Belfast. He will be happy to take questions and discuss the lecture...

The Registry of Deeds | Brian O’ Hara | Ballymena Branch | “On Zoom” event

The Registry of Deeds, Zoom talk by Brian O’Hara for the Ballymena Branch. Brian O’Hara is the chairman of the Ballymena Branch and has done many years of research on the O’Hara family. Open to all NIFHS members and associate members. For those who are not Ballymena Branch members, please email the Secretary at requesting the link by providing your membership...