The Society -

The Society

The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) is a charity registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC106071. The Society is governed according to its Governing Document made up of the Society Constitution and the Branch Constitution which together define its organisation, its financial and reporting obligations and its Objects:

To promote and encourage the public and personal study of  world-wide family history,
genealogy, heraldry and local history with particular reference to the North of Ireland.

NIFHS Stand at Olympia

A quiet moment at the Society’s stand at Olympia for
“Who Do You Think You Are? Live”

Membership brings a number of Benefits and new members are always welcome; half the members have joined one of the many Branches as Branch Members and the other half, spread around the world, have joined as Associate Members.  The Council of the Society may confer Honorary Membership upon Members who have made an outstanding contribution to the Objects of the Society.

The Society is run by a Council with elected Officers and on which each Branch is represented by its Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Each Branch is governed by the Branch Constitution, which defines its legal responsibilities, and the Branch Notes contain the main provisions that affect Branches and also include helpful material on setting up a new Branch and on running a Branch.

Council administers the Research Centre and its Resources and Shop. Council and the Branches organise and participate in Open Days, Family History Fairs and other public events.

In addition to serving its Members, the Society serves the wider public by welcoming people to its meetings and its Research Centre, by putting on courses for the public and by providing speakers or information stalls for events arranged by other organisations – see the Public Benefit page for details.

There is a brief History of the Society and also there is a list of Contacts.

On Social Media

The Society maintains a presence through some social media channels.

Facebook     Twitter     YouTube

In addition, many Branches use Facebook groups and Twitter pages to extend the reach of their activities. See our Branches on Social Media

Membership of other Organisations

The Society is a member of the following organisations.