Contacts -


The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) is run by volunteers who may be contacted by post or email.
We aim to respond as quickly as possible, but owing to the volunteer basis of the Society it may not be immediate.
Please bear with us – we will respond to all enquiries received.

By Email

The Society is not a Research Agency.  Its goal is to promote the resources, skills and techniques used by family history researchers.

Research enquiries from non-Members will be answered in general terms, usually with pointers to publications and/or resources which may be of help.  Members have the benefit of the Look Up Service.

Email boxes allocated for the different areas of activity are available for contacting the Society.
Please address any enquiry you have to only ONE mailbox.  Doing otherwise will be considered an abuse of the service offered by the Society.

NB. Members – please include your membership number at the start of the Subject line of your email.
Click or tap on the email address to open an email form in your email application.

Mailbox address
For Members to request a Look-up in Church Records transcriptions, or in Irish Section books.
For Members to enquire about their Membership status,
to enquire about access to Members-Only content on the NIFHS website.
For Members to submit a Profile Form for adding or amending Member’s Interests listed on the NIFHS website.

For a general enquiry about the Society, e.g. how to join, using the Research Centre, etc.
To seek contact with a member who has Member’s Interests or Query listed in the NIFHS News newsletter.
To submit an article/material for the Journal North Irish Roots,

NB. Members – please include your membership number at the start of the Subject line of your email.

Email a Branch Secretary

For the latest news and events organised by the Branch. Also for details of how to join the Branch.

NB. Members – please include your membership number at the start of the Subject line of your email.

By Post

Please address mail to :

Unit C4, Valley Business Centre
67 Church Road
Co. Antrim
Northern Ireland
BT36 7LS

NB. Members – please quote your membership number in your correspondence.